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Tempo Magazine

Review: CD Into the Depths – Music for Contrabass Clarinet, Cuillin Sounds

Sarah Watts, contrabass clarinet; Antony Clare, piano

There is a particular atonal, gestural, ‘extended techniques’ language that we are very used to but which, now after 50 years, feels tired and musically redundant: composers need to beware of falling into this stylistic trap. Umbra apart, which typically does what Donatoni does, Uduman’s piece Into the Depths is the most successful here. There is a sense of drama and shape and a soundworld that draws the listener in with contrasting lyrical and low accented punctuations. Despite the ubiquitous extended techniques, the multiphonics and slaps (slaptongue, always a slightly vulgar noise I think, overused by so many composers, starts to outstay its welcome by the end of the disc), the materials are focused and meaningful – the whole builds to the end with a clear sense of progression, recognisable gestures returning and developing, the live electronics emphasising and enhancing the contra (it is very much a duo), with sounds based on the spectral analysis of a particular multiphonic and a short attack. All of this is played [by Sarah Watts] with great commitment and I’m sure we can look forward to a growing repertory.

Roger Heaton, Tempo Magazine

PRSF Composers Fund

Sohrab Uduman was one of 7 composers to received at grant of £10k from the PRS Foundation as a recipient of the Composers’ Fund. The fund is designed to support the creative and professional development of talented composers by offering direct access to funding at pivotal stages in their careers.

Sohrab said:
“I’m delighted to be a recipient of the 2018 Composers’ Fund. This award allows me a period of focussed, creative work and experimentation, and will enable me to realise a suite of linked compositions.”

Britten Sinfonia: Opus 2016

Uduman has been selected as the winner of OPUS2016 , Britten Sinfonia’s open submission scheme for unrepresented composers. Sohrab has received a commission to write a new work for the orchestra’s award-winning At Lunch series to be premiered in December 2016.

Uduman’s work Das Klingt es auf for violin, cello and piano was premiered on 9-14 December at Norwich, Cambridge and London’s Wigmore Hall.

British Composer Awards 2015

The British Composer Awards are presented by BASCA and sponsored by PRS for Music.  The 2015 shortlist announced on 29 October, features 33 composers across 12 categories with 40 per cent of those shortlisted being first-time nominees.

Glitshig for bass clarinet and piano has been shortlisted in the ‘Solo or Duo’ section. The Awards take place on 9 December at the British Film Institute.

Prix Annelie de Man 2012 Composers Competition

Breath across autumnal ground for harpsichord and live electronics has won first prize (2,500 euros) in the first Prix Annelie de Man 2012 Composers Competition in the Netherlands.

The Foundation Annelie de Man organised this competition for composers and harpsichordists in co-operation with the November Music Festival in Den Bosch, the Netherlands to promote and support contemporary harpsichord repertoire. The biannual competition final performance will take place during the November Music Festival from November 7 – 11 2012) at Den Bosch in the Netherlands.

Musical Times

The balance of intellect and intuition was amply illustrated. Uduman’s refined technique seemed to be the main reason why his electro-acoustic piece – Refrains for trombone and tape – seemed the most sophisticated and rounded of all the works. ‘

Musical Times


[Wired Jane Chapman harpsichord, NMC D145] ‘Uduman’s piece meanwhile contrasts with the others in that it uses computer software in a quite candid, stripped-back manner, to foster a stretching out and extension of the sound of Chapman’s austere and yet expressive harpsichord.’